Christ Community is an Acts29 church, committed to being a church that plants churches. Click the Acts29 logo above to learn more about the Acts29 church-planting network.

God’s passion & plan is that His glory go global. One way Christ Community participates in that global mission is sending missionaries to peoples where Christ is not worshipped to proclaim His excellencies. (Romans 15:20; 1 Peter 2:9)
Merci’s Refuge, in partnership with Living Alternatives, helps women in crisis in our community.
We partner with Cru at the University of Illinois as they share the gospel and disciple students. We love what they do to bring the gospel to our local campus. Are you a college student? Click the logo above to learn more.
Christ Community is a church-planting church. In the Fall of 2019, Christ Community sent Michael Johnson along with his wife Chasity and their family to plant a church in the neighboring city of Rantoul, IL. What a privilege for us all to partner to bring the good news of Jesus there.

We partner with Pioneers to plant churches among unreached peoples. Learn more by clicking the Pioneers logo above.
The Aruna Project exists to provide holistic freedom to women who are caught in sex trafficking. We love what they do.