Thank you for considering serving our church family. See below for descriptions of our various servant teams. If you’d like to join a team, fill out the form on this page and our staff and a deacon will contact you as soon as possible. 
Welcome Team
Creates an inviting and hospitable atmosphere at Renewal Gatherings

Christ Community Kids
Exists to make and multiply the next generation of disciples at CC

Cafe Team
Brings hospitality to the church by providing coffee and preparing communion elements on Sundays

Facilities Team
Prepares our spaces for worship through setup and tear-down

Music Team
Leads the church in corporate worship through music and singing

Production Team
Runs sound, service slides, and service production

We appoint deacons as modeled in Acts 6:1-6. The role of deacon is to serve the church by meeting practical needs so that the elders can devote themselves to the spiritual needs of the congregation. Our appointed deacons serve our church as follows:


Deacon of Production - Peter Elliott

Deacon of Music - Matt Jahnke

Deacon of Renewal Gathering Hospitality - Clarissa Leman
Deacon of Benevolence - Matt Walters

Deacon of Missions Support - Dan Wang

Deacon of Finance - Neal Kellenberger