Sunday School Fall 2024

Interested in attending? Please register at the event page(s) below.


4-Week Class

Begins Sep. 15
The 4th of the ten commandments calls us to honor the sabbath. But how often do we even observe a day of rest in our day and age? Are we still bound to observe a sabbath day? Come discuss how to start observing a sabbath, wrestle with the Scriptures, and discuss different practices to have deeper rest and better enjoy God as we look at the book "Keeping the Sabbath Wholly."


6-Week Class

Begins Oct. 13
We repeat a creed each week during our service as a confession of faith, but where did these creeds come from? Should we put weight in these creeds as opposed to other written documents throughout church history? Come find out the history of the creeds, why they're important to us today, and why parents should bestow the creeds upon their children.


5-Week Class

Begins Oct. 20
How do you cope with trauma that's embedded within your physical body, even though you are now free in Christ? How can you identify traumatic experiences, help others understand their own trauma, and have practical coping skills to address trauma? Come find out how to be better informed in dealing with trauma victims and how Jesus wants to heal us of our trauma.