Midweek Announcements 9.13.23
Midweek Announcements 9.13.23
Men’s Retreat - Register Today
All men of CC (ages 10+) are invited to the annual Men’s Retreat on Oct.27-28 at Hanging Rock Camp in West Lebanon, IN. $75 includes 3 meals, lodging, fun, & fellowship. Our Speaker is Church Planter/Pastor, Jon Bricker.
Register here.
If cost is a barrier for you please let us know, scholarships are available.
Contact jordan@christcommunitycu.com with questions or scholarship requests.
Members Meal & Meeting Sep. 20
Our next Members Meal & Meeting is Wednesday 9/20 at First Christian Church in Champaign from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Please RSVP on Realm. Childcare provided for ages 5 & under. Prospective members are welcome to attend.
Hospitality Sunday 9/17
Hospitality Sunday is back! Sign up here to host or attend a lunch after church (with 5-8 adults) fellowshipping over a meal and connecting with others from Christ Comm.
Christ Community Women's Hangout at Riggs
Join Christ Community women at Riggs on Thursday, September 21 at 7:30 p.m. for a casual fall hangout. Feel free to reach out to Kara Sauder (605-496-2486) with any questions.
Foster Care/Adoptive Parents Night Out
Parents’ Night Out is Friday September 22nd, 5:30-8:30 pm. More details on Realm!
Newcomer Breakfast
New to CC? Come join us for free breakfast before the Renewal Gathering on Sunday October 8 at 8:30 am at the YMCA. It’s a great time for us to get to know you and for you to learn about CC, meet our leadership, and meet other newcomers.
Filter of Hope Trip
There will be a Filter of Hope trip to the Dominican Republic March 10-15th 2024. All ages are welcome! This is a great opportunity for families to step out in faith, pray, and experience God’s heart for the world together while we partner with a local church and bring water filters and the Gospel to homes in the DR.
Text Jess Etheridge (309) 258-0391 or Nathan Price (309) 253-0595 if you want to hear more details .
This Week’s Sermon Scripture
Exodus 2
Men’s Retreat - Register Today
All men of CC (ages 10+) are invited to the annual Men’s Retreat on Oct.27-28 at Hanging Rock Camp in West Lebanon, IN. $75 includes 3 meals, lodging, fun, & fellowship. Our Speaker is Church Planter/Pastor, Jon Bricker.
Register here.
If cost is a barrier for you please let us know, scholarships are available.
Contact jordan@christcommunitycu.com with questions or scholarship requests.
Members Meal & Meeting Sep. 20
Our next Members Meal & Meeting is Wednesday 9/20 at First Christian Church in Champaign from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Please RSVP on Realm. Childcare provided for ages 5 & under. Prospective members are welcome to attend.
Hospitality Sunday 9/17
Hospitality Sunday is back! Sign up here to host or attend a lunch after church (with 5-8 adults) fellowshipping over a meal and connecting with others from Christ Comm.
Christ Community Women's Hangout at Riggs
Join Christ Community women at Riggs on Thursday, September 21 at 7:30 p.m. for a casual fall hangout. Feel free to reach out to Kara Sauder (605-496-2486) with any questions.
Foster Care/Adoptive Parents Night Out
Parents’ Night Out is Friday September 22nd, 5:30-8:30 pm. More details on Realm!
Newcomer Breakfast
New to CC? Come join us for free breakfast before the Renewal Gathering on Sunday October 8 at 8:30 am at the YMCA. It’s a great time for us to get to know you and for you to learn about CC, meet our leadership, and meet other newcomers.
Filter of Hope Trip
There will be a Filter of Hope trip to the Dominican Republic March 10-15th 2024. All ages are welcome! This is a great opportunity for families to step out in faith, pray, and experience God’s heart for the world together while we partner with a local church and bring water filters and the Gospel to homes in the DR.
Text Jess Etheridge (309) 258-0391 or Nathan Price (309) 253-0595 if you want to hear more details .
This Week’s Sermon Scripture
Exodus 2