Midweek Announcements 5.29.24
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Members Meal & Meeting - Tonight!
Our upcoming Members Meeting is Wednesday, May 29 from 5:30-7:30 pm at First Christian Church (Oasis Venue) in West Champaign.
RSVP Here!
All members and prospective members are invited to attend. If you are not yet a member, but would like to become one please let us know by filling out this online form.
Childcare for ages 5 & under will be provided.
*Please RSVP for all family members so we can plan for food accordingly.
Men's Summer Bible Study
The study will cover the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew Chs 5-7 (parallel to the Women's Bible Study). We will use an inductive interpretation method (no materials to purchase).
Time: Tuesday mornings 6:30-7:45 a.m. begins June 4th
Led by: Tony Winkler and Riley Edwards
Location: FCA Office (1605 S Prospect Ave, Champaign, IL 61820)
More Info here
Women's Gathering
One Read One Walk: We have an exciting opportunity to press into growing in love for our neighbors and living out of a missional mindset.
In Chris & Elizabeth McKinney’s new book, Neighborhoods Reimagined: How the Beatitudes Inspire our Call to be Good Neighbors, we will be galvanized to do just that. Buy the book here
Elizabeth will lead us in One Read One Walk on Saturday, June 15, where after reading the book on our own, we will gather to hear from her, walk & discuss the book, and connect afterwards over food! More Info here
This Week's Sermon Scripture
Acts 16:6-40
Did you know Christ Community is on social media? Follow our Instagram and Facebook pages for extra reminders about events and to stay connected to what's happening around Christ Community!
Follow Us Here!
Members Meal & Meeting - Tonight!
Our upcoming Members Meeting is Wednesday, May 29 from 5:30-7:30 pm at First Christian Church (Oasis Venue) in West Champaign.
RSVP Here!
All members and prospective members are invited to attend. If you are not yet a member, but would like to become one please let us know by filling out this online form.
Childcare for ages 5 & under will be provided.
*Please RSVP for all family members so we can plan for food accordingly.
Men's Summer Bible Study
The study will cover the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew Chs 5-7 (parallel to the Women's Bible Study). We will use an inductive interpretation method (no materials to purchase).
Time: Tuesday mornings 6:30-7:45 a.m. begins June 4th
Led by: Tony Winkler and Riley Edwards
Location: FCA Office (1605 S Prospect Ave, Champaign, IL 61820)
More Info here
Women's Gathering
One Read One Walk: We have an exciting opportunity to press into growing in love for our neighbors and living out of a missional mindset.
In Chris & Elizabeth McKinney’s new book, Neighborhoods Reimagined: How the Beatitudes Inspire our Call to be Good Neighbors, we will be galvanized to do just that. Buy the book here
Elizabeth will lead us in One Read One Walk on Saturday, June 15, where after reading the book on our own, we will gather to hear from her, walk & discuss the book, and connect afterwards over food! More Info here
This Week's Sermon Scripture
Acts 16:6-40
Posted in Midweek Announcements